
We are a community-based church located in the centre of an attractive market town. 

Our aim is to show God’s love for all - in our church life, our worship and our witness. 

We are a family friendly church, dementia aware and with disabled access throughout.

We work closely with the other churches in our town and local area through Brampton Churches

If you are new to the area, on holiday, wanting to return to church or with questions why not join us? 

Everyone is welcome to any of our services or our mid-week activities.

Please feel free to contact us for a chat. 


Regular Church Activities

Wellspring Ladies – coffee / chat, prayer, Bible study, discussion. Meet in a home. Tuesday’s 9:30 – 11:30am All ladies welcome, ask for details.

Messy Church held on the last Wednesday in the month, 3.30 - 5.30 pm. All ages welcome, - Bible based activities, crafts, singing, celebration and a shared meal

Sing Praise – Wednesdays 7.30 - 9:00pm. Fellowship, singing and prayer.

Coffee Morning - every Wednesday 9:30 – 11:30am. All welcome to join us for a cuppa, a chat and a homemade scone.

The Green Door Centre (opposite the church) Ecumenical youth project.

Other Events can be found on the Brampton Methodist Church Facebook page and website

Brampton Methodist Church Facebook Page


10.30am Traditional and Contemporary worship, including Crèche and Junior Church

10.30am Junior Church. Bible stories and activities for children and young people

6.00pm * Services held on the second and fourth Sundays (*4.00 pm during winter months)

2nd Sunday - Sing Praise Service (worship with a difference)

4th Sunday - Service includes Holy Communion

1st. and 3rd. Sundays - no evening Service


10.00am Weekly Prayer Service

Address: CA8 1RS
Map Ref: NY530686


  • Mrs Nancy Simpson - 016977 3653
  • Mrs Margaret Drury - 016977 41628
  • Mrs Carol Saunders - 07771874757


  • Mrs Linda Johnson - 016977 3502